It is recognized by:
Its fragility and weakness, making it prone to break easily. Additionally, it may experience excessive hair loss, leading to a reduction in its volume and density.
The causes:
This type of hair tends to be vulnerable to multiple factors, including stress, poor nutrition, excessive use of heat styling tools, aggressive chemicals, and damage from environmental factors.
Expert tips:
To keep your hair in optimal condition, we recommend using gentle and nourishing hair care products with protection. Avoid, as much as possible, excessive use of heat and harsh chemicals. Also, make sure to maintain a balanced diet rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals that benefit your hair's health.
When styling your hair, opt for wide-tooth combs to avoid damaging your hair. Furthermore, avoid overly tight hairstyles that can stress your strands. Last but not least, try to reduce stress in your life through exercise, meditation, and relaxation moments. Stress can contribute to hair loss, so taking care of your emotional well-being is also essential for maintaining healthy locks.